Интервизионная группа практики

Интервизионная группа практики

Новости моей профессиональной жизни

Мы с Надеждой Ковалевской начали группу расстановочных и полевых практик для коллег на английском языке. Первая встреча была 10 января 2025 года. Вторая будет в ближайшую пятницу — 7 февраля. Будем рады на ней видеть всех, кто хочет развиваться в этом!

Вот подробности:

Dear colleagues!

If you are interested in constellation & field practice in English, we’ll be very glad to see you in our new group.

This International Constellations Practice Group is a good place to try different decisions in systemic family constellations and related methods like systemic ritual and field therapy. It’s a good place to make mistakes & to learn from real cases of your colleagues.

We invite you to participate at 7 February 7-9:30pm GMT ( check your timezone, please).

During two hours and a half we will facilitate constellations for each other, do exercises, exchange ideas in professional friendly atmosphere.

Nadezda Kovalevskaya & your humble servant invite you to our meeting in Zoom.

First meeting is free of charge.

After it there these’s a fee to balance our efforts of running the group. The fee in 2025 will be 10 Euros per meeting or $10,5.

If you have any questions, please write to me here or by Telegram: @TatianaSheredeko

If you would like to join, please follow the instructions here: tinyurl.com/ICPG-rules

Nadezda Kovalevskaya (Cambridge, UK) graduated from the Centre for Modern Systemic Constellations of Elena Veselago (Moscow, Russia) in 2023. She has trod a long path from being an academic researcher (PhD in Chemistry) to finally establishing her private counselling and constellations practice in 2020.

About the organizers

Among other things, Nadezda has been co-organizing a similar constellations practice group for Russian-speaking colleagues since 2020.

Nadezda’s professional telegram channel: t.me/NKfield (in Russian)

Tatiana Sheredeko (Hadera, Israel — Moscow, Russia) — psychologist, investigator of psyche states, graduated from Moscow State University as a clinical psychologist in 2002. She studied constellations in 2020-2022 at the Centre for Modern Systemic Constellations of Elena Veselago (Moscow, Russia) and graduated from the Annual Shamanic Course by Elena Veselago in 2022.

In her work she uses breathing techniques, imagination techniques, fairy tale therapy, working with a mirror, narrative practice, MBT (mentalization based therapy), relational psychoanalysis.

Throughout her 22 years of practice, Tatiana has held the firm belief that the aim of any helping practice should be to help people live their unique lives with a sense of purpose, pleasure and satisfaction.

Tatiana has been organizing a Russian-speaking constellations practice group since April 2020.

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